Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"

  • Woman, Women, and the Priesthood in the Trinitarian Theology of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Editor: Wilson, Sarah Hinlicky
    Editura: T & T Clark
    Anul Ediției: 2013
    ISBN: 9780567061102
    Descriere: 240 p.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: Elisabeth Behr-Sigel
    Subiect: femeie
    Subiect: Preoţie
    Subiect: teologie trinitară
    Clasificare: 261
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Cover; HalfTitle; Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgments; Preface; 1 The Grandmother of Western Orthodoxy; 2 Paul Evdokimov on "Woman"; "Woman" in Evdokimov's Orthodox predecessors; "Woman" in Evdokimov's theological anthropology; "Woman" in Evdokimov's trinitarian theology; Behr-Sigel's appropriation of Evdokimov on "woman"; 3 Agapia to Sheffield; The first step: Agapia; Agapia at home; Behr-Sigel in the ecumenical conversation; An indirect critique of Evdokimov; 4 The Path to Rhodes; The turning point; Exploring otherness; The question internalized.
    Note conţinut (cuprins): Following the Theotokos to the priesthoodThe Interorthodox Consultation at Rhodes; 5 After Rhodes; A momentary lapse in serenity; Other Orthodox women respond; Final thoughts on the matter; 6 The Female Diaconate; 7 Feminist, Protestant, Orthodox?; How feminist?; How Protestant?; Which school of Orthodox theology?; 8 Tradition, Priesthood, Gender and Personhood; Tradition; Priesthood; Gender and personhood; Published Works of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel; Works Cited and Consulted; Index.
    Resurse On-Line:
    Sumar sau abstract: Elisabeth Behr-Sigel (1907-2005), a convert to Orthodoxy in her early twenties and a central figure of Orthodox theology among Russian émigrés in Paris, first began to reflect on the question of women in the priesthood in 1976. Initially supporting the general consensus that priesthood would be impossible for the Orthodox, she came to retract this view, finding a basis for female ordination in women's distinct spiritual charisms. Behr-Sigel later shifted the foundation of her case to personhood, inspired by the work of fellow Orthodox theologian Vladimir Lossky, and arrived at the conclusion t

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