Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"

istoria Imperiului Bizantin

Topical Subject: istoria Imperiului Bizantin
Works: 0 works in 6 publications in 4 languages
L'Impero Bizantino by: Baynes, Norman H. (Language materials, printed)
Irene of Byzantium : woman, Empress and Fiancée of Charlemagre by: Barlone, Daniel (Language materials, printed)
Byzantine Studies and Other Essays by: Baynes, Norman H. (Language materials, printed)
Grandezza e catastrofe di Bizanzio : narrazione cronologico by: Niceta, Coniata (Language materials, printed)
Bizanţul, istorie şi spiritualitate by: Băbuş, Emanoil (Language materials, printed)
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