Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"

teologia eliberării

Topical Subject: teologia eliberării
Works: 17 works in 18 publications in 4 languages
L'Europa e l'altro : abbozzo di una teologia europea della liberazione by: Rizzi, Armido, s.j. (1933-) (Language materials, printed)
Liberté chrétienne et libération by: (Language materials, printed)
Iglesia pobre y para los pobres by: Müller, Gerhard Ludwig (1947-); Francisc, papă (1936-); Azzaro, Pierluca (1970-); Gutiérrez, Gustavo (1928-); Sayer, Josef (1941-) (Language materials, printed)
Ecologia, mondialità, mistica : l'emergenza di un nuovo paradigma by: Boff, Leonardo (1938-) (Language materials, printed)
Who do you say? : Jesus Christ in Latin American theology by: Bussmann, Claus (Language materials, printed)
Creation spirituality : liberating gifts for the peoples of the earth by: Fox, Matthew (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
Liberation theology : an introductory reader by: Cadorette, Curt; Snyder, Mary Hembrow; Legge, Marilyn J.; Giblin, Marie (Language materials, printed)
Liberation theology : an evangelical view from the Third World by: Kirk, J. Andrew (Language materials, printed)
My faith as an African by: Ela, Jean-Marc (1936-2008) (Language materials, printed)
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