Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"


Topical Subject: Coran
Works: 3 works in 12 publications in 6 languages
The Koran by: (Language materials, printed)
La Bible et le Coran : le dilemme Israël - Ismaël by: Feldman, Lejb (Language materials, printed)
Il Corano by: Ventura, Alberto (Language materials, printed)
The Qur'an by: (Language materials, printed)
L'Islam - Maometto e il Corano by: Watt, Montgomery; Welch, Alford T. (Language materials, printed)
Pensare il Corano by: Hussein, Mahmoud (Language materials, printed)
Il problema della Cristologia coranica : storia dell'ermeneutica cristiana by: Rizzardi, Giuseppe (Language materials, printed)
Kur'ân Kerîm ve Yuce Meâli by: Araz, Fatih (Language materials, printed)
Islamul : Foarte scurtă introducere by: Ruthven, Malise (Language materials, printed)
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