manuscrisele de la Marea Moartă
LDR | 00096nx j2200049 | |
001 | 25618 | |
250 | $a manuscrisele de la Marea Moartă | |
901 | $a a $b a |
1 works in 3 publications in 2 languages
3 records Page 1 of 1
- 1
Les Manuscrits de la mer Morte et les origines du christianisme
Daniélou, Jean, card. (1905-1974)
(Language materials, printed)
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls : Their Significance for Understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity
Vanderkam, James C.; Flint, Peter
(Language materials, printed)
Les énigmes des manuscrits de la mer Morte
Schreiden, Jacques
(Language materials, printed)