Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"


Topical Subject: scepticism
Works: 44 works in 6 publications in 3 languages
Expunere a filosofiei sceptice by: Sextus, Empiricus (Language materials, printed)
Logica generală by: Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) (Language materials, printed)
Il senso comune : tra razionalismo e scetticismo : (Vico, Reid, Jacobi, Moore) by: Livi, Antonio, preot (1938-) (Language materials, printed)
Scetticismo e senso comune : la filosofia scozzese da Hume a Reid by: Restaino, Franco (Language materials, printed)
The Reason for God : Bilief in an Age of Skepticism by: Keller, Timothy (Language materials, printed)
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