Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"

  • Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Editor: Stickler, M.
    Editor: Boyle, Leonard E.
    Others: Nicolò, Paolo De
    Statement of Responsibility: a cura di: Em. il Card. M. Stickler, P. Leonard E. Boyle, Mons. Paolo de Nicolò
    Published: Nardini
    Place of Publication: Firenze
    Year of Publication: 1985
    ISBN: 88-404-1010-4
    Description: 278 p. : 126 il.
    Language: Italian
    Classification: 02(456.31)
    Shelf number: 02 / B51
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