- Tratamentul bolilor prin legume, fructe şi cereale
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Valnet, Jean Translator: Neagu, Valentin Translator: Tita, Aurel Statement of Responsibility: Jean Valnet ; Traducere: Valentin Neagu, Aurel Tita Published: Garamond Internaţional Place of Publication: București Year of Publication: 1981 ISBN: 973-9217-11-7 Description: 304 p. : tab. Notes: Titlul original: Traitement des maladies par les légumes, les fruits et les céréales Language: Romanian Subject: fitoterapie Subject: medicină naturistă Subject: plante medicinale Subject: substanţe de provenienţă vegetală Subject: tratamente naturiste Classification: 615.322:615.8 Classification: 615.8:615.322 Classification: 633/635:615.8
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