- Raggedy Old Stories in Brand New Clothes = Vechi poveşti zdrenţăroase în haine noi şi frumoase
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Teodorescu-Soare, Luminiţa Others: Ambrose, Dominic Translator: Gheorghe, Mihaela Statement of Responsibility: Luminiţa Teodorescu-Soare , Dominic Ambrose ; Ilustraţii: Mihaela Gheorghe Paralel Title: Vechi poveşti zdrenţăroase în haine noi şi frumoase Published: Teora Place of Publication: București Year of Publication: 1996 ISBN: 973-601-537-8 Description: 112 p.+[1] casetă audio Language: English Subject: exerciţii Subject: învăţarea limbii engleze Subject: jocuri didactice Subject: jocuri instructiv-educative Subject: limba engleză Classification: 082.1 My first english book Classification: 371.695:802.0 Classification: 802.0:371.695
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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