Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"

  • Formarea statelor naţionale balcanice : 1804-1920
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Jelavich, Charles
    Author: Jelavich, Barbara
    Translator: Creţiu, Ioan
    Author of introduction, etc.: Mureşanu, Camil
    Statement of Responsibility: Charles şi Barbara Jelavich ; Traducere de Ioan Creţiu ; Cuvânt introductiv şi control ştiinţific de prof. univ. dr. Camil Mureşanu
    Published: Dacia
    Place of Publication: Cluj-Napoca
    Year of Publication: 2001
    ISBN: 973-35-0863-2
    Description: 399 p. : h.
    Notes: Titlul original în lb. eng.: The establishment of the Balkan national states, 1804-1920
    Language: Romanian
    Series: Memento
    Subject: Balcani (istorie)
    Subject: formarea statelor balcanice
    Subject: formarea statelor naţionale
    Classification: 082.1 Memento
    Classification: 321.013(497)"1804/1920"
    Classification: 949.7"1804/1920"
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