- Înţeleptul de la Arunâchala. Vol. 2
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Ramana Maharshi, Bhagavan Sri Translator: Popescu, Elena Liliana Statement of Responsibility: Sri Ramana Maharshi Published: Herald Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1989 ISBN: 973-97577-6-6 Description: 352 p. Language: Romanian Contained By: Înţeleptul de la Arunâchala / Sri Ramana Maharshi . - Bucureşti : Herald, 1989 . - 2 vol. Subject: literatură indiană Subject: literatură religioasă Subject: convorbiri filosofice Subject: dialog filosofic Subject: yoga Subject: iluminare Classification: 821.21-97=135.1 Classification: 821.21-83-97=135.1 Classification: 294.5 Classification: 082.1 Maeştri spirituali
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Înţeleptul de la Arunâchala / Sri Ramana Maharshi; Traducere, note şi îngrijire de ediţie: dr. Elena Liliana Popescu .- Bucureşti : Herald, 1989
/ Ramana Maharshi, Bhagavan Sri
/ Herald
/ 1989
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