- Feciorie şi castitate : în epoca de aur a Patristicii (313-430)
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Popa, Ioasaf, arhimandrit Editor: Dumitrescu, Sorin (1946- ) Statement of Responsibility: Arhimandrit Ioasaf O. Popa ; Editor: Sorin Dumitrescu Published: Anastasia Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 2001 ISBN: 973-9374-80-8 Description: 244 p. Notes: Bibliogr. la sf. cap. Language: Romanian Subject: castitate Subject: feciorie Subject: Biserica creştină Subject: 0313-0430 Subject: continenţă Subject: virtuţi Subject: mănăstire de călugăriţe Subject: monahism Subject: viaţă monahală Subject: ascetică Subject: teologie practică Classification: 271-32:28"0313/0430" Classification: 241.536:28"0313/0430" Classification: 28"0313/0430":271-32 Classification: 276:271-32 Classification: 082.1 Comorile Pustiei Classification: 016:271-32
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