Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"

  • The Life of Mary As Seen by the Mystics
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Autor: Brown, Raphael
    Responsabilitate: Raphael Brown
    Editura: Tan Books and Publishers
    Locul publicării: Charlotte
    Anul Ediției: 2012
    ISBN: 9780895554369
    Descriere: 265 p.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: Preasfânta Fecioară Maria
    Subiect: mistică creştină
    Subiect: mariologie
    Clasificare: 232.931
    Sumar sau abstract: Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- 1. Private Revelations -- 2. St. Elizabeth of Schoenau -- 3. St. Bridget of Sweden -- 4. Venerable Mother Mary of Jesus of Agreda -- 5. Sister Anne Catherine Emmerich -- 6. Summary -- 7. This Compilation -- 1. St. Ann and St. Joachim -- 2. The Nativity of Mary -- 3. Infancy -- 4. Presentation -- 5. In the Temple -- 6. The Espousals -- 7. Preparation for the Annunciation -- 8. The Annunciation -- 9. The Visitation -- 10. Trials -- 11. Mary and Joseph in Nazareth -- 12. The Journey to Bethlehem -- 13. The Nativity
    Sumar sau abstract: 14. The Adoration of the Shepherds -- 15. The Circumcision -- 16. The Adoration of the Magi -- 17. The Purification -- 18. The Flight to Egypt -- 19. The Holy Family in Egypt -- 20. The Return to Nazareth -- 21. The Boy Jesus in the Temple -- 22. The Hidden Life in Nazareth -- 23. The Death of St. Joseph -- 24. Preparation for the Public Life -- 25. The Wedding at Cana -- 26. Mary During the Public Ministry -- 27. Judas -- 28. Prelude to the Passion -- 29. Holy Thursday -- 30. The Passion -- 31. The Crucifixion -- 32. The Resurrection -- 33. The Ascension -- 34. Pentecost and the Early Church
    Sumar sau abstract: 35. Mary's Last Years -- 36. The Dormition -- 37. The Assumption and Crowning -- Bibliography -- Supplement to the Bibliography (As of 1975)
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