Biblioteca "Pr. Dr. Petru Tocănel"

  • Sedation at the end-of-life : an interdisciplinary approach
  • Tipul înregistrării: Text tipărit: monografic
    Editor: Taboada, Paulina
    Responsabilitate: Paulina Taboada, editor
    Editura: Springer
    Locul publicării: London
    Anul Ediției: 2015
    ISBN: 9789401791069
    ISBN: 9401791066
    ISBN: 9401791058
    ISBN: 9789401791052
    Descriere: 175 p.
    Limba: Engleză
    Subiect: sfârșitul vieții
    Subiect: cure paliative
    Subiect: etică
    Subiect: jurisprudenţă
    Subiect: bolnavi în stadiul terminal
    Subiect: filosofie
    Subiect: boală
    Subiect: sedare
    Clasificare: 616
    Note conţinut (cuprins): 1. Chapter: Sedation at the end of life. Clinical settings, trends and current debate; Paulina Taboada -- 2 Chapter: Palliative Sedation and the Goals of Care at the End of Life; William Sullivan -- 3 Chapter: Clinical Aspects of Palliative Sedation for Refractory Symptoms; Paul Walker -- 4. Chapter: The use of palliative sedation to treat existential suffering: a reconsideration; Aron Portnoy, Punam Rana, Camilla Zimmermann & Gary Rodin -- 5. Chapter: The Relevance of Double Effect to Decisions about Sedation at the End of Life; Joseph Boyle -- 6. Chapter: The field of application of the principle f double effect and the problem of palliative sedation; Alejandro Miranda -- 7. Chapter: The?sanctity of life?, ?best interests? and?autonomy?: An ethical and legal clarification; John Keown -- 8. Chapter: Palliative Sedation. Some juridical preventions for the Chilean case; Ángela Vivanco -- 9. Chapter: Clinical guidelines for the use of Palliative Sedation: moving from contention to consensus; Blair Henry -- 10. Chapter: The case against clinical guidelines for Palliative Sedation; John Scott. 11. Chapter: Ethical analysis of selected clinical cases; Paulina Taboada -- Epilogue; Paulina Taboada -- Index.
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